A new anime series of Ranma 1/2 (also known as the best anime series and manga ever, IMO) was confirmed just after the new anime of Urusei Yatsura ended, but that was about it, a confirmation and a date, July 17th, and here we are!.
In today’s presentation we learned a few things, first, the first episode will be broadcasted in Japanese TVs in October 5th and a bit later streamed through Netflix (in Japan, no information for any streaming service in other countries that I’m aware). Second, most of the voice actor and actress are back! (Both Ranma, the Tendo sisters, Ryoga and Shampoo). And finally, that with the little bit that has been shown up in the first trailers, it looks stunning!.
There is still a lot that we don’t know about (like the number of episodes), but so far it looks really promising! 💞.