Fighting Legends sounds great but doesn’t exactly gives a lot of information, but behind that name what you get are 7 great SNK games, Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 2 (Real Bout, Real Bout Special and Real Bout 2), Art of Fighting Anthology (the 3 Art of Fighting games) and The King of Fighters 97 Global Match. While KOF 97 Global Match is the latest version of KOF 97 and actually a PS4 game, the 2 packs are PS2 games, nothing wrong with that, PS2 was more than capable of handling NeoGeo games, the problem is that those games were a bit censored (the blood is in weird colors) and that’s still the case now… here there’s nothing like mortal Kombat or even Samurai Shodown, so it’s not the most problematic thing inĀ the world but still something unwanted. Aside of that the 7 games are pretty good with maybe the Art of Fighting games beign a bit particular, but true fighting game legends.

Yeah, that’s blood and is not red…
The games are well known by now so no need to give a detailed review of each one, there’s plenty of information about them out there, so let’s take a look to this edition…
This edition looks quite good but theres’nt that much going on for it, the best part if the big box. Let’s take a look to the inside…
Inside the box you can find the 3 disc in individual cases (in the normal edition the 3 discs come in a single case), a CD with some selected tracks from each game and a databook…
The main point to make is that the printing quality of the book and the CD inserts is not so great (the CD inserts are particularly poor or i might just be unlucky and the problem is just with mine); the book is 100% in Spanish and gives some story details of the games and a brief description, each game has its own section, but now, some characters show up in more than 1 game but each character is only comented once, so by the time you reach KOF 97 only a few teams are comented since most of the fighters has been presented before in other games… i mean, it makes some sense, but…
I loved the big box but wasn’t exactly impressed with the book and the CD, but the price is fairly lower than other more or less equivalent editions from Limited Run Games, so i hope it’s a success and Selecta Play and SNK release more afordable special editions for Spain and Portugal (they can be purchased from anywhere else).